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In the ancient years, there lived a female devotee called Semmanach Selvi, who lived by selling Pittu. She offers daily the first Pittu cooked to God Sivan before selling it to others. God Sivan decided to exhibit her Bhakthi to the world. Sivan made the Vaikai River to overflow. Pandian King ordered the families living close to Vaikai River bunds to to add sand to the bunds and raise to avoid water coming into villages. The bunds were divided and Semmanach Selvi was givan a portion to raise the bund. Almost all the portion of the bund was raised except for Semmanach Selvi’s portion.

God Sivan took the form as a labor and came to Semmanach Selvi’s home and shouted, ‘Anybody wants labor?’ Selvi shouted back ‘Yes yes please come that is my portion of bund. You have to raise it by adding sand’. Sivan said, ‘OK I can do this, what will you give me?’ Selvi said,’ I will give you sweet pittu’ Sivan said, ‘OK give me the pittu’ God Sivan ate the pittu and lied down under shade of a tree. King, Minister and soldiers came to inspect the bunds. They found only Selvi’s portion is not yet raised. King questioned Selvi as to why it was not done? Selvi said, I hired that labor, He ate my pittu and not working simply lying down there. King became angry, took a cane and beaten the labor on his back. All living beings, including the King got the beating on the back and the labor vanished. King looked up as a voice (Asareeri) said, ‘Pandia manna, Selvi is an ardent devotee of me. To show her Bhakti to the world I played this episode. She cooks and offer Sweet pittu to me daily. Her portion of bund is repaired now and I am calling her to Kayilayam now.’ This festival is conducted annually for devotees to remember Bhakthi of Chemmanach Selvi. Sweet Pittu is served to devotees on this day.

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